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Hiring Policy

The people we recruit are as diverse as our businesses

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We believe in hiring people with a passion for results and provide them with choices and opportunities based on their performance, aptitude and interest. We search for value - rooted individuals who are technically competent, value strong teams and are high on innovation, creativity and excellence.

Our recruitment process is standardised across companies within the Group and yet it remains flexible for recruitment to roles that are highly specialised.

Neugene uses its own developed Profile Method Guide - namely NPMG, for Job Evaluation, particularly for their recruitments to establish a relative hierarchy of jobs in the organisation. This data is arranged into job bands, which are used to get the right person - job fit and calibrate of jobs to facilitate smooth movement of employees across the Group.

Our hiring process ensures that each position and each individual are perfectly matched. Recruiting the best people means that we merge skills and experience with emotional IQ, people skills and character. This to us means hiring people as ‘individuals’ as opposed to viewing them as ‘candidates’.

Our hiring process includes amongst others:

  • Job descriptions with jobs bands

  • Competency maps

  • Technical and aptitude tests (where applicable)

  • Group discussions (where applicable)

  • Structured interviews

  • Psychometric tests

  • Values assessment tests

  • Antecedent and reference checks


Neugene is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate

based on race, community, religion or sex.

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