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Neugene International Academy is highly advanced and most successful educational and language academies, for people belonging to internationally minded families

Innovative Methods

The Academy is operating a wide range of courses tailored to meet the specific needs of different people including professionals, school & college students, corporates, and other individuals.

With an established reputation for our exceptional level of services and fast one-stop centre, Neugene International Academy provides you with the most competitive rates. 


The atmosphere at our Academy is professional but still warm and friendly. Instructors and students work together in a setting similar to real workplaces. Teamwork and human relations skills are developed and students learn the professional and ethical standards required for employment in the field. Instructors and advisors are available to assist students with educational and personal problems as strives to have every student meet his or her career and life goals.

The administration of Academy is committed to ensuring:

  • Meeting standards of excellence as determined by its accrediting and licensing agencies.

  • Delivering programs that meet the needs of the community.

  • Providing the support services needed to allow all students to achieve their goals.

  • The resources needed to realize its educational objectives.


Our aim is to make your life easier - our experienced and friendly staff will ensure that we meet your needs and expectations at all times, offering you complete peace of mind.

Are you a Manager or Fresher?



Our Academy supports and benefits you

More than 120 courses are currently available with our academic regular course and training and development course while new courses are added every quarterly keeping pace with new developments and orientations

Academy Advantages

Through experience and research we know that everyone learns at different speeds through a variety of different learning methods

Philosphy and Mission

Our mission is to provide educational environment not only the educational but personal enrichment too.

Our Faculty

Beyond their skills as gifted teachers, our faculty is entirely made up of expert practitioners.

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Academy Voluteer Programme

Providing young people with the opportunity to work on volunteer and professional internships.

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