your limit
If you are a passionate explorer who possesses a healthy disregard for boundaries - whether geographical, physical or mental – Neugene is the place for you.
And you thought the sky was the limit
Here you will have plenty of opportunities to explore across various countries. Join us and travel beyond the limits you thought existed. We provide careers in the following areas:
Human Resource
Information Technology
Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
And lot more…
Campus recruiting
If you are a new or recent graduate seeking full-time employment or a university student seeking a student placement assignment, just knock at our door.
At Neugene, we look for the best and brightest.
People with exceptional talent and incredible drive.
In exchange for commitment, integrity, innovation and passion, we provide work that is challenging and rewarding. Depending upon your degree and area of speciality, you'll have a wide variety of career paths to choose from.
Our employees our pride
Every day, employees at Neugene are committed to the pursuit of operational excellence. We do this by delivering safe, reliable operations, improving energy efficiency, and maintaining strong business controls. We believe that maximizing the value of resources – through disciplined investments, developing breakthrough technologies, improving processes, and integrated operations – generates the most benefit for resource owners and society.